The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

Reader’s Response Questions                                     Wynn English 2007-2008



1.       Why are there so many references to time and numbers in the first part of the story?  What does time represent to the old man?


2.       What sports do the old man and the boy talk about and what is the importance of all the references to sports?  Why is Joe DiMaggio so important?


3.       What are the old man’s dreams, and what do they mean?


4.       Why does the old man row out so far, what consequences does that decision finally have, and how does the old man view his actions?


5.       List some details that point to the old man’s precision and care as a fisherman.  Explain what he means when he says, “It is better to be lucky.  But I would rather be exact.”


6.       Tell how each of the following reveals some aspect of the conflict between the man and the fish: the old man’s physical condition, his feelings, his memories and his dreams.


7.       Compare the description of the first shark with the description of the marlin and the old man’s attitude toward the two fish.


8.       How does the old man first view the fish and what changes come over his view as the story progresses?


9.       When and why does the old man keep wishing the boy were there with him?  Is he just feeling weak and inadequate or is something more involved, and if so what?


10.   What physical and mental resources does the old man summon to deal with the repeated attacks of the sharks?


11.   In the beginning, the old man is hoping for a big fish that will bring him a lot of money.  What is he hoping for at the end?


12.   At the end of the story, the reader learns the reactions of the old man, the boy, the proprietor of the Terrace, and the two tourists.  What is Hemingway’s purpose in presenting these reactions?


13.   Why does the story end with the old man dreaming about lions?


14.   What is the difference between humiliation and humility?  Which characterizes the old man at the end and why?


15.   Is the old man (Santiago) a winner or a loser – and why do you think so?